PROKATHO Products - High Technology
Apart from all our other services and solutions, we also provide you with the full range of CP equipment:
- Classical and remote control for all applications of CP, LCP, steel in concrete and in marine installations
- Remote monitoring system
- Data loggers
- Switching units
- Transducers
- Measuring electrodes and coupons
- Anodes
- Insulating flanges, insulating joints and insulating materials
- Test Posts, Junction / Bond Boxes, Measurement Points
The close collaboration between our Cathodic Protection specialists and our customers, together with continuous internal improvement according to the latest requirements and know-how means that, in addition to our range of practical and proven products, the latest products and upgrades are available for Their projects.
Take advantage of the high technical standards we have established for Cathodic Protection products!
If you want to get more information about our products and services. You can write to and our engineering staff and specialists will gladly assist you.